Judges Under A Microscope

Ruth serves as a prologue to the book of Judges. We zoom in on Naomi and her family as they navigate the vicious cycle of sin-then-repentance. Despite Naomi’s hopelessness, she finds a companion that comforts, provides, and restores.

Taken Up

{Luke 24:36-53}

In the Apostle’s Creed, we confess that “[Christ] ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty.” What is the significance of Christ’s ascension? Pastor Drew encourages us to live with an Ascension Worldview, remembering that Christ advocates for us in the throne room of God.

The Short Commute Podcast – Episode 6: Attractional Vs Missional Church Models

What is the purpose of the church and its ministries? Pastor Drew and Zack debate the pros and cons of the Attractional and Missional Church Models. Where do you think your church excels? Where do you want your church to be?

The Short Commute Podcast – Episode 4: Recommitting Your Life to Christ

How often do you take time to recenter and commit, again, to life for Christ? What might be the dangers of doing this? What are the benefits? Pastor Drew and Zack tackle it all in Episode 4 of the Short Commute Podcast.

He Has Risen (Easter)

{Luke 22:1-12}

Who is Jesus? Like those living during the time of Jesus and everyone who’s come since, we wrestle with an empty tomb. Some say the body was stolen. Some say it’s just plain crazy. Some say Christ is risen. What we believe about the empty tomb depends on what we believe about Jesus. So, who is Jesus?

The Short Commute Podcast – Episode 3: Should We Hold Our Faith Loosely?

Episode 3

Zack struggles with a new idea. Pastor Drew saves the day. Should we hold our faith loosely? How much of our Christian knowledge, or bias, can we set aside as we examine the world around us? And to what extent does that drive us toward God and toward strong faith?